Monday, August 24, 2009

It's a.......

BOY!!!!! Grace, Carson and Chloe are having a little brother and are SOOOO excited! We had a great time at the gender check this morning! We took Grace, Carson and our darling niece Landri with us and they had fun telling me that their little brother looks like an "alien".....Everything looked great on the ultrasound, and the baby is measuring a little farther along than my due date of February 4, chances are pretty good that he will be born the end of January 2010! Check out our latest baby blog accessory to the right - kinda fun to have the baby countdown :)


  1. ahhh seriously soooo excited for you guys. So lucky to have the even numbers...No F A I R!

    congrats on your alien baby...that cracks me up!


  2. That is so exciting!! :) You make the cutest babies ever!! Congratulations!! So, will that give us 5 family birthday's in January? :) Too FUN!!

  3. Congrats! Nice even numbers and genders. What happy for you and Troy.

  4. I am so happy for you. Another boy, I can't believe it. Thanks for taking Landri, she had such a good time. And thanks for the jam and salsa, the jam is amzing!! I was going to try and save the salsa for a special occasion but we are eating it tonight with tacos! Beach house is soon,can't wait!

  5. Yeah!!! Troy said that the kids were betting on a boy. Congratulations on your alien baby!

  6. yay! happy for you. i have the same countdown thingy on my blog, only my baby still looks all weird and amorphous and stuff.

    (i have my first ob appt today - get to make sure there's only one in there and see the heartbeat!)
